This page provides you with basic instructions of what and how to upload data to the ATLAS GeoNode. You can use the sidebar links to navigate to what you want to know. Further information can be found on the official GeoNode User Guide.

If you require any help please contact:

What data should be uploaded?

The ATLAS GeoNode hosts a selection of geospatial data representative of the work produced during the ATLAS project. All ATLAS partners can upload data independently to the ATLAS GeoNode, however, the data should already have a DOI. Partners are encouraged to first submit their datasets to PANGAEA (or equivalent repository) before uploading it to the ATLAS GeoNode.

Data types


Layers are a primary component of the GeoNode. They are publishable resources representing a raster or vector spatial data source which can be associated with metadata, ratings, and comments. By clicking the Data > All Layers tab you will get a list of all published layers. The Data > ATLAS Layers tab gives you a filtered list that only contains data generated by the ATLAS project. By clicking a specific layer you will be able to view and download the data and metadata in a variety of formats. If you have the right permissions, you can also edit the data, metadata and style of the layer.

Remote Services

In GeoNode you can add new layers not only by uploading them from your disk but also by using Remote Services to connect to data hosted on the web. Several remote services are already added to the ATLAS GeoNode to allow the creation of interactive maps that will provide a context to the ATLAS work. You can see the available remote services by clicking on the Data > Remote Services tab.

Let us know if you would like to add more remote services or find more information on the GeoNode Documentation.

Interactive Maps

Interactive maps are combinations of various layers and their styles. They combine both locally uploaded layers in GeoNode as well as layers from remote services. Interactive maps also contain other information such as map zoom and extent, layer ordering, and style. By clicking the Maps > Interactive Maps tab, you can browse or search the available interactive maps. By clicking a specific map, you are able view and download the map as well as its metadata. If you have the right permissions, you are also able to edit the map and its metadata.

Static Maps

The ATLAS GeoNode also host static map images that were produced for the different work packages and can easily be used in presentations. You can access them through the Maps > Static Maps tab. By clicking a specific static map, you are able to view and download it. If you have the right permissions, you will also be able to manage the maps' metadata.

Create an account

To upload data to the ATLAS GeoNode and create interactive maps, you need a user account. To create an account, click the Register link in the upper banner of the page and a registration form will appear.


Once you fill out the form, you will be automatically logged in and redirected to the Profile page. The actions described in the rest of these guidelines require you to be logged into your account.


Groups have been created for each of the institutions in the ATLAS consortium. After you have created your account, go to About > Groups, search for and click on your institution and press Join Group.


Upload Data Layers

GeoNode allows the user to upload vector and raster data in their original projections using a web form. Vector data can be uploaded in many different formats (ESRI Shapefile, KML and so on…). Satellite imagery and other kinds of raster data can only be uploaded as GeoTIFFs. Click Data > Upload Layer to upload both shapefiles and GeoTIFFs. You will be able to drag and drop or select files from your disk and change the default Permissions settings. Note that for ESRI shapefiles all its mandatory files (.shp, .shx, .dbf and .prj) need to be chosen.

upload form

Set Permissions

Before clicking upload files, set the permissions so that everyone can see and download the data and the HelpTeam can change, edit, style and manage it.


Add or edit metadata

The easiest way to add or edit the metadata of a layer is to use the Metadata Wizard available under the Editing Tools.


Under Basic Metadata, fill out following mandatory fields:

  • Title: Start with the CS name or WP delivery (if appropriated) followed by a meaningful name
  • Abstract: A short description of the data followed by its DOI information. Note that the current limit for abstracts is 2000 characters. In case you require longer abstracts, please inform the help team
  • Keywords: The type of data, region and the CS or/and WP delivery should be added as keywords. Also, add the keyword "ATLAS" to make sure your layer is listed under Data > ATLAS Layers
  • Category: Oceans
  • Group: The institute(s) that generated the data


Under Location and License, fill out following mandatory fields:

  • Regions: In most case, it will be Global (by lack a more appropriate option)
  • Data quality statement: General explanation about the lineage and quality of the dataset
  • Restrictions: The resitrictions placed upon the data. The available options, according to the ISO19115 standard, are listed below:
Entry Description Notes
copyright exclusive right to the publication, production, or sale of the rights to a literary, dramatic, musical, or artistic work, or to the use of a commercial print or label, granted by law for a specified period of time to an author, composer, artist, distributor
patent government has granted exclusive right to make, sell, use or license an invention or discovery
patentPending produced or sold information awaiting a patent
trademark a name, symbol, or other device identifying a product, officially registered and legally restricted to the use of the owner or manufacturer
license formal permission to do something Select the appropriate license in the License field. If your license is not listed, please contact the help team
intellectualPropertyRights rights to financial benefit from and control of distribution of non-tangible property that is a result of creativity
restricted withheld from general circulation or disclosure
otherRestrictions limitation not listed applies to data which is public and in the archive, but not distributed by the archive - add more info in free text field


Under Optional Metadata, you can fill out several facultative fields. However, in the Purpose field, you should take the opportunity to give a context to the data and, when relevant, link this dataset to other associated datasets.


Under Dataset Attributes, you can optionally provide an additional description of the different attribute fields in the uploaded layer.


Edit the layer style

The style of a layer can be defined in Edit Layer > Styles > Edit. However, it is not always easy to set it as you want. Therefore please do not hesitate writing the help team to assist you to get the right look for your data.

Styleedit Styleedit

Create interactive maps

The ATLAS GeoNode allows users to create and share maps with one another. It is a great way to present the uploaded ATLAS datasets, combining them with other datasets (e.g. from remote web services).

Creating a Map

There are two ways to create a new interactive map:

  • From the layer list available through the Data > All Layers tab, you can select the layers you wish to add to your map by pressing the "+" sign. Once you have added all desired layers, which you can review in the Selected Layers box, you can combine them into an interactive map by clicking Create a Map. This automatically loads the selected layers in the map composer.


  • Alternatively, you can open the map composer directly by clicking the Maps > Create Interactive Map tab. To add data layers from the GeoNode click on the plus button located below the layers tab on the left-hand side of the screen. Clicking Add Layers will display all available layers in the GeoNode while Find layers allows you to search for the desired layers. Double click the layers you want to add to the map and when finished, hit Done to close the dialog box and go back to the map. The left-hand box will now show the layer legends.


All the layers are automatically projected to web Mercator in the map display, making it possible to use popular base maps such as the ESRI Ocean Basemap and OpenStreetMap.

Reordering and Removing Layers

Change the display order of the layers listed in the data tab by simply dragging and dropping their names. The order in the map will be updated to reflect that. To turn a layer's visibility off simply uncheck it, and to remove it entirely select it and hit the minus button.

Saving your map

Once a suitable set of layers and zoom level has been found it's time to save it so others can see it. Click the Save button -- under the left most icon on the top toolbar, an image of a map -- and fill out the title and abstract of the map.

Publishing a Map

Any map from the GeoNode can be embedded for use in another site or blog. To publish a map:

  1. Select from the list of maps, available through the Maps > Interactive Maps tab, and click the View Map button.
  2. Click the Publish button -- under the left most icon on the top toolbar, an image of a map-- and fill out the title and abstract of the map. Make sure to save the map before publishing if there are changes that you want others to see. It publishes the last saved version, not the last viewed version.
  3. Choose your desired height and width for the widget in the wizard.
  4. Copy the HTML snippet provided in the wizard to any HTML page or iFrame-supporting blog post.
This will put an interactive widget showing your map on your web page or blog post.

Remixing a Map

Any map available can serve as a starting point for a new map.

  1. Open the map in the Map Composer by pressing View Map.
  2. Add and remove layers as you like.
  3. Pan and zoom to highlight the area of interest.
  4. IMPORTANT: Update the title, abstract, contact info and tags to reflect the new map.
  5. Save the map.
You will be able to see your new map when you search for it from the Maps > Interactive Maps tab.

Upload Static Maps

Static map images can be uploaded to the ATLAS GeoNode by clicking the Maps > Upload Static Map tab. The images can be uploaded directly from your disk by clicking Choose File or from a URL if the document is external. You can provide a title for your map, link it to (an) existing data layer(s) in the ATLAS GeoNode and set the appropriate permissions. Please note that documents other than static maps should not be hosted on the GeoNode but on the ATLAS project page instead.
